Saturday, December 29, 2007
Things you can and cannot do:
You can be lonely, but you cannot be afraid
You can take a picture, but you cannot relive the moment
You can feel the running water, but you cannot hold it in your hands
You can be sorry, but you cannot take the words back
You can love someone, but you cannot own them
You can act, but you cannot be the "other her".
Whole trip can be summarised in 3 lessons learnt.
1. It is no surprise that shopping complexes/hotels are competing with each other, its always been that way and always will be. But it seems that there is a new way of telling the other Big Brothers how posh your new Crib is: a complexed toilet. While strutting past the fancy shops in my guni sac pants, t-shirt, and fake rm15 asadi-crocs, i felt my tummy msn-nudging me real hard from the inside. Since the sisters where browsing through some expensive art stuff they would never buy, i excused myself to go find the little ladies room. The journey to find it was pretty lesson-worthy by itself but i will not elaborate for fear of making a fool of myself. Enough to say i found the place, i walked in, past the dizzying mirrors and straight to the Great White Throne *majestic music*. It was comfy inside, enough to make me sms the sisters (with me still on my throne) telling them how nice the toilet was and to pick me up when they were done. But alas, the tummy nudge didn't last till 5pm and since it was only1pm then, i got off, and FLUSHED the toilet like the good rakyat contoh i was. Then came the tricky bit... Because my kindergarten teacher told me to always wash my hands before and after using the potty, well i did la, or at least i tried. I walked confidently to the fancy sink because i tell myself i've been to my share of fancy. Then i see the fancy tap, the fancy thingamajig by its side, and the fancy soap dispenser. Easy peasy! I pull the fancy thingamajig, err... *pull again*... *and again*...hmm *again la*. Ok, i gather my thoughts. Oh ya! This is a fancy toilet right, i forgot they've got those fancy auto taps that you just wriggle your hands and they start the waterworks! Genius =). I wriggle my fingers, err... *wriggle again*... *and again*... hmm *again la*. By this time the lady next to me has washed her hands and walked out of the place already, another girl takes her place. Ok, summon the great brain again. Hmm that fancy soap dispenser looks pretty high tech, like some space gadget, its got a red bulb on it... Maybe... *press red bulb*... this is embarrassing they are looking at me, i know it is a soap dispenser but its got a button *press again*. Then i lean in close enough to see the little words "automatic soap dispenser" engraved. Ok let me get this straight, so, the soap is automatic, the thingamajig doenst move, and the tap still has no water. Finally had the common sense to ask the girl next to me for help. "There like this la" *tweak thingamajig to the side*, water gushes out. My jaw nearly dropped, all this while i thot it was some super high tech thing that i could not understand but it was just a normal tap handle???? That's the canniness of these people i tell you. They call it a fancy place, so you go into the toilet thinking its supposed to be a fancy toilet rite? Wrong. They purposely make the toilet so simple, that when you go inside with all your dreams of how a fancy toilet ought to be like only to find that it is so fancifully simple, it makes you think the place is ever fancier than before! Get my point? Nevermind, maybe i was just too dizzy from pressing so many buttons.
Anyways after i got the water running, must put soap to make my hands 99.97% bacteria free. I look at the space gadget/soap dispenser. Ok this time i know how to use it already, it is automatic mah so i just move my palm under it. *wave* soap... *wave wave*... hey why no soap?!?! tap the gadget from the back, then some metal piece fell. nevermind ignore.. *wave wave wave* *aiya wave at the next dispenser*... cheh the first one ran out la.
Run out of the toilet.
Wah i didnt expect my first lesson to be so long winded, i quite cheong hei.
Nevermind 2nd and 3rd lesson very short only.
2. Rachel wanted to buy a milk shake from Baskin Robins. Know what she said?
"Can i go but the Ice-cream juice please?" new jargon i must keep in mind.
3. Very easy lesson, one i've been learning and trying to remember my whole life. Borders is a dangerous place to be.
ps: oh ya, realised or not my spelling has improved so much the last few posts? Its because i am finally using the spell check on blogger. Cool leh, they even have the correct spelling for "thingamajig" i thought it was "thingmajig". Of course my "lar" "mah" "wei" "hmm" and "cheong hei" still turns yellow when i check them lar. And i always knew my spelling was bad, but this time it shocked me just HOW bad =p
Notes on travelling
You worry about that slippery slope you once climbed.
You worry about the thorny bush that turned your feet raw.
You worry about the violent cold river you struggled in.
You worry about the tree’s dark shadows that haunted you even in your sleep.
You worry about the treacherous weather that seemed to plot against you.
You worry about the sharp crystal like rocks.
You worry about the stringy vines that almost strangled you in your confusion.
You worry about the large boulder you had to leave everything behind to climb over.
People look at you and with a smug face tell you to take it easy, with a pat on the bag tell you to let things be, with a wave of the hand tell you to take care of yourself.
But you worry, like you did when you first walked out, like you always will, as long as you are walking.
You worry that the tracks you left were too dark to follow.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Gift of words
But this year i received the loveliest set of stickers from Ian Zing. I know at first mention, stickers may sound juvenile or kiddish, but these are really really lovely! They take certain beautiful and simple words and print them in old Victorian like styles, and the words are spelled in cursive or bold letters then beside them, the words are described like how a dictionary would describe a word. Some of the descriptions are exactly from the dictionary and are what we would normally automatically associate with the words but the rest are special ways of looking at the words that we may have felt before but just never given enough thought, and i like those versions much much more!
They are really simple words we use everyday, but it is because they are so simple that we forget to study their meanings.
I don't have a camera with me now, but let me share some of these beauties! 1. to show or feel amusement or good humour
2. a sensation of happiness escaping from one's mouth
In.spire fill with courage or strength of purpose
2. motivation required to go beyond what you think you're capable of
mem.or.ies 1.that which is created as present becomes past
2. remember and smile
re.mem.ber 1. to bring to mind or think again
2. to cherish the moments of the past
3. what you do when something embarrassing happens to someone else
cher.ish 1. to hold dear
2. to keep deeply in mind
3. to treasure, adore, value and love
s.mile 1. you're never fully dressed without it
won.der 1. to be curious about;think about; wish to know
2. do wonderful things; achieve or produce extraordinary results
3. awe felt simply by observing our surroundings 1. wisdom gained by observing, doing or living through things
2. how you kindly refer to disastrous outings 1. to see or learn of for the first time; find out
2. to recognize or realize the best things in life 1. to take pleasure or satisfaction in
2. desired reaction to every day, every minute, every breath 1. a visionary creation of the imagination
2. something notable for its beauty, excellence or enjoyable quality
3. a wild fancy or hope, that lingers even after you've opened your eyes
beau.ti.ful 1. very pleasing to see or hear
2. delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration
3. aesthetically pleasing; even if it's refrigerator art
life 1. the time of being alive; existence of an individual
2. best when used to its full extent
Watched 3 movies today for our literature project that would be approximately 6hours of screen time plus 2hours preparing this post... (X_x)
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Just dinners, but so much more.
The thing about these large dinners is that the beginnings are always bound to be awkward. First of are the greetings. As children we were always taught to "Faster don't be rude, call Ama!", "Eh..there is Sa Ku go call go call!", "Come girl you call Be Kim already not?" and what i heard of the most because af my small voice back then "Aiyo this girl ah, so naughty never call people wan ah". Don't get me wrong i know these names and titles were meant to bring the family closer Tiua Ku = first brother, De Ku= second brother, Sa Ku = third brother and so on and so forth. But the problem with me is that after calling their respective names, there is that awkward silence, i really don't know what to say to them after that... They smile, give me a pat and say good girl... then silence... then we just smile and pretend to be fascinated with the colour of the tea in our tiny cups. And because we are so used to calling them based on their position in the family tree, as embarrassing as it is i don't know their real names. I only know my grandmother as Ama, my eldest aunt as Ah Yi and so on. And i don't know what the do for a living apart from vague descriptions like "I work in Kl" because when we talk it is always about what us children were doing now which collage, what course, and asking details about their work may be seen as prying into other peoples business. Asking my parents wont help either, they will just tell me not to go round judging and comparing people which is the last thing i would want to do. I love these people, but sometimes i wished i know the people i loved.
After we are done with the official greetings then comes the conversation bit. For this the adults will have their own table and us children have the privilege of our own table too. The classic opening question would be "So *insert a cousin's name*, you form what now ah?" to which the answer would be a certain standard-something or form-something or i-go-to-X-collage now. Then even though you know very well you only had to add one year to whatever level of formal education they told you they were in last year, you still put on a face of pure surprise and say something along the lines of "Wahhh... so fast ah you? i didn't know *insert a cousin's name* so big boy/girl already wor" *sheepish grin*
And then you continue in the same formal superficial conversation for the rest of meal.
But my favourite part is when they bring the cutlery and tea cups in basins with hot water. Because it used to be the adults who were given the task of washing and dipping them in the water and then passing it to the others, but the last few years a few of us have grown old enough they say to take over =).
And when the food comes, us older ones are given charge to make sure the lil cousins actually eat something for if given a chance they would much rather blow bubbles with a straw in their cups of tea or fight over the edible flower that came as a decoration all night.
But just as i am sitting there secretly shredding the red plastic table cloth on the underside of the table and decidedly determined to have a horrible time, the cousin on my right suddenly warms up to us and starts telling the lame joke she has been repeating since infancy. And across the table the newest additions to our Cousins Club Limited start dodging from my sister as she is desperate to get good pictures of them as apposed to the fuzzy shadows she sees on her screen. In the other corner another sister finally remembers that she and her similar aged cousins were a year ago blood sistas and had vowed to be best friends forever and so they begin their series of bimbotic antics they've been practicing together since the good ol' pampers and potty days together. The trademark laughter of Ah Yi from the other table pierces the air. We start whispering about the lady in the nest table whose bra strap my teenage cousin swore he saw and as he claimed "poisoned his innocent eyes". Kong Kong spits on the floor and we all cringe and quietly saw "Eeww" in unison.
I feel the determination to be miserable start to fade away slowly as i look around at these odd creatures i was taught to call family...
NO i tell myself. I must not give in, I MUST have a horrible time tonight, i MUST.
Then came the icing on the cake. Ama just had to come over, sit down and start telling us the embarrassing stories of our childhood spent at her house... One by one the memories tug at my stubborn heart, the masak masak session gone bad when we decided to use REAL ingredients instead of make belief, the Johnson and Johnson powder we store from my sister's nursery to cover the slide so ur bums wouldnt burn, the naps we were supposed to take but never really did, the fear that chilled out spine when we saw the first rat in the house, the victory we felt when Ama trapped in, the nauseating feeling we had as we watched her drown it in hot water, jumping on Kong Kong's overstuffed sofa and running away after we broke it, vowing to hate Ama as she made us brush our teeth, feeling stupid afterwards when we went to the dentist crying, sleepovers when we didn't actually sleep, making fun of the dog's green poo and trying to get him to make more...
I give up. And start to love them all over again. The people who were there for me in the most crucial years, who loved the skinny awkward dull child who did not yet know how to love, who made fun of me but also laughed with me, who watched me grow and in return grew with me.
But just like every year before this, as i begin to feel comfortable in their presence again, it is time for us to go. The bill is called for, and true to tradition there is a squabble at the adults table as to who gets to pay for the bill this time. We children vow never to look as silly as the adults, because when we are old enough to pay for bills we would do the sane thing: Take turns lah =p
The same awkward formal greetings as before, except this it is followed by goodbyes and sincere wanting to keep in touch the following year.
These may just be long overdued dinners, but they are also so much more. They are reminders of who i am, and the weird people i love =)
ps: this was a pretty long post if you made it thus far congrats! =p
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
It is here!
Monday, December 24, 2007
Bday Dedication
Initially i wanted to take your advise when you said:
jiahwang says:
try using words like..
jiahwang says:
jiahwang says:
jiahwang says:
jiahwang says:
n stuffs like dat la..
But then i thot.. nah..everyone already knows all those good stuff about you =p
So right here I am just going to wish you a a blessed journey ahead of you.
That the years will be beautiful, the people kind, and the memories sweet.
Thank you for being a friend, a comrade and a brother =)
Sorry for making you wake up so early when you should have been snoozing.
ps: (haha not bad for an impromptu birthday post eh? i should do this more often)
pps: the birthday was actually on the 23rd so im about an hour late, but it still counts right?
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Muddled cheerfulness
Muddled cheerfulness as they say, cant seem to help me now.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I'm studying so hard that when my red highlighter ran out of ink a few minutes ago, i seriously entertainted the thought of going to 7-eleven to look for a red highlighter.
Exam in 2 days and i'm still hunting for highlighters?!?!?
People doing 7th round already and I'm still colouring my notes.
After slacking for what seems like the whole of semester4, aku mula insaf...
Wah.. really cannot study renal without RED la, such an essential colour for acidosis, RBF, peritubular capillaries, hypertension all need RED.
R- renin
E- erythropoetin
D- dilation (prostaglandin)
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Tag! You're it!
Sorry it took me so long to do the tag Angie!
From left: Poi, ROOney, The_Haz, ME, Shan
Oh, ok i guess that means must study. *scratch head*
7) A picture ofyou with a weird face Wow this was a tough one. Too many weird pics to choose from, this was probably the mildest of the lot ady cos i didnt want to give you a cardiac.
8) A picture of you wearing a black coloured shirt
How to secretly get away with all the christmas presents this year? Blind fold the CG leader!
9) A picture of you in a red coloured shirt
Christmas 2006. Wait a minute... Christmas 2007 is coming soon! Make sure you visit IMU on the 11th of Dec, any time between 10.30am and 5pm! We are having a reptile show in conjunction with the theme "Jingle In The Jungle" its got a nice ring to it eh? 1 ticket for rm4, 3 tickets for rm10! Cheap cheap! Reptile show leh! Real live wan leh! Come leh! And make sure if you come you buy the tickets from me leh! =p
10) A picture of you in a green coloured shirt
11) A picture of you with your halloween costumeHad to improvise abit la, i dont have a halloween costume. Guess what am i?
Statue of Liberty!
12) A picture of you with your mouth open
Jakun never see wooden butterfly from Melaka before.
13) A picture of you in your formal attire.
Haha we wear formal attire everyday to class lar, so refer to pics 6 and 7 =p
14) A picture of you at the beach

My Turkey Group! Youth Camp Pangkor 2006!
15) A family potrait of yours.
Aiyak all the family pics are in my dad's comp, and i cant let him know i'm blogging instead of putting his rmXXX of imu tuition fees to good use. So next time k, lazy to scan the pics, just know that i AM the taller wan in the family =p
*PHEW* this picture blogging bussiness is more complicated than it seems! Have to choose the pics, then wait for them to upload, then after upload ady somehow my paragraphs will be all over the place and i have to re-paragraph them, then the pics always upload at the top of the page and i have to drag them all the way down.If it werent for my genuine desire not to study, i would have given up doing this long ago man =p Wow this is really for the professionals.
And i realised that Angie will most probably fall asleep when she reads this post cos ALMOST ALL the pics are from her camera! haha... i have no pics taken with my own camera, i think it's time for a christmas wish list! =pCos if i a camera today i would have taken a picture of this really sweet girl, Hannah i met at vbs today! She was so adorable, she kept talking and talking, she asked me: "Jia Jia, God make clowns with the big red nose wan ah?" and then when Uncle Allan came out with his Captain Sailor suit and cried "ATTENTION!" she hopped unto her feet and saluted him with a : "Yes Sir!" and when she cheers... ohh you gotta see how she cheers. Cos they have this special cheer for the kids they have to clap their hands and then give a loud: "WHoop Whoop" with their fists in the air to get the clowns to come out and perform. She was a true natural i tell you =)
Anyways, i think I've fulfilled my irresponsiblity quota for the day, better go study...
But then again... Lesley is coming back frm her shopping spree soon, and hopefully with my pack of Mr.Potatoes, and i havent watch that new dvd "The Chritsmas Shoes" hmmm...
Decisions decisions.
Oh ya! And like all other tag rules, i get to tag other people! Look out for your names:
~ YW@P (its a group blog so this will be hard, haha)
