Friday, July 24, 2009

@ 4am

woke up, couldn't go back to sleep.
me wonders why.

tomorrow marks the beginning of the EOS preparation.
maybe that's why i subconsciously want to prolong this night.

minyak kapak oil, coconut oil, cod fish oil, car oil, sebum oil, peanut oil, kelapa sawit oil, every known natural and man made oil; I'm gonna burn!

pffft EOS 7, think we scared of you meh!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Keeping still

You don't wish to comfort or assure anymore, because mere words mean nothing.

It is far more painful to watch; and if given the chance to choose the lesser torture you'd rather take the stripes, the pain and the ridicule on yourself than be forced to watch it happen from a distance. As a spectator, the stripes cut twice as deep, the pain twice as bitter and the ridicule twice as crippling. Because as a spectator you cannot cry out, or retaliate, or release your frustrations in the pain, as a spectator you cannot do anything. Oh what you would give...

Your arms crave to shelter, your fingers ache to crush something to its dust, your feet are ready to whisk something to safety, with every fiber of your being you long to reach in and intervene. The urge is so strong, so instictive, so much a part of you, you cant even remember how you came to have it.

But with that torture, you stand aside, and you watch.
A deep well stirs within you, but you swallow it.

Because life has to run its course; even if it means watching something you love break to be moulded into something more beautiful.

Was this how you felt Mary?
How did you survive it? Because I don't feel I can.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

You gots to have a Plan.

Have you gots a Plan???

Oh man... I've always been bad at keeping to plans,
but here goes.
Thanks Xan!
ps: anyone else lacking plans?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Movies I could watch over and over and over... and over

Elizabeth Bennet: Now if every man in the room does not end the evening in love with you then I am no judge of beauty.
Jane Bennet: Or men.
Elizabeth Bennet: No, they are far too easy to judge.
Jane Bennet: They're not all bad.
Elizabeth Bennet: Humorless poppycocks, in my limited experience.
Jane Bennet: One of these days, Lizzie, someone will catch your eye and then you'll have to watch your tongue.
~Pride and Prejudice (2005)~

Mr. Darcy: Do you talk, as a rule, while dancing?
Elizabeth Bennet: No... No, I prefer to be unsociable and taciturn... Makes it all so much more enjoyable, don't you think?
~Pride and Prejudice (2005)~

Holly Kennedy: I don't want to make any mistakes.
Gerry Kennedy: Then you're in the wrong species, love. Be a duck.
~P.S. I love You (2007)~

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Since when did we become old to tell our parents we are going to drive 30 minutes to look for food just "for the fun of it"? ( plus the fact that the next day is a schooling day)

Since when did our little brothers become camera shy?

Since when did we start drinking SODA WATER like it was 7-up????!?!

Wah liao wei I just couldnt believe that he was drinking a cup of plain soda water like it was some soft drink! So slumber somemore, like it was the most natural thing in the world.

I've tried it before and it tastes like soap water lor! Why would anyone put themselves through the torture of drinking soap water? I was convinced it was used for mixing alco or soft drinks not as a drink alone. Then Ian proceeded to tell us some story about his grandfather's friend relating to soda water....

Anyways.. like most of Ian's stories, we laughed too much to actually pay enough attention =p

According to the trusted Wikipedia:

Soda water, also known as seltzer in the US and Canada, is water which is carbonated and thus made effervescent by the addition of carbon dioxide gas under pressure. Soda water is sometimes used to dilute strong alcoholic drinks, e.g. cocktails such as a whisky and soda, or Campari and soda. It can also be drunk on its own. Soda water gets its name from the sodium salts it contains, said 'salty' compounds adding a distinct and pleasurable quality to many beverages of the alcoholic, and non-alcoholic type.

Hmmm... ok lor, maybe i owe you an apology for laughing so loudly, seems that you DO drink it as a drink by itself, though it still does not make sense since you said so yourself that it has a weird taste.

Listening to my sis telling a "supposedly funny" story.

Laugh laugh laugh.

Chieeeh... not that funny also want to laugh!
This Rachel is a traitor man, will never bring her out in public ANYMORE!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Chicken Cordon Bleu...

Chicken Cordon Bluek

Pfft...With food like this we'd rather eat carrot sticks.
And for carnivorous creatures such as ourselves, that is a big thing.

What shall I have for dinner?

Dinner time always makes me hungry... and nostalgic.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Trading Places

If I could be anywhere now where would I be?
If I could touch any heart now to whom would it belong?
If I could sing any song now what would be the words?

Or could I just stay here, touch these hearts, and sing this song.

If I could re-write this life, would I?

We hope for a different tomorrow, dream of a different life, escape is an alluring beauty.
But every longing sigh we heave, we leave something of our old lives behind. And how do you do that, reach for something whilst letting something else go.

cowardliness. down to earth. plain lazy. jaded. call it whatever you wish.