Wednesday, December 05, 2007


You want to know how hard I'm studying?

I'm studying so hard that when my red highlighter ran out of ink a few minutes ago, i seriously entertainted the thought of going to 7-eleven to look for a red highlighter.

Exam in 2 days and i'm still hunting for highlighters?!?!?
People doing 7th round already and I'm still colouring my notes.
After slacking for what seems like the whole of semester4, aku mula insaf...

Wah.. really cannot study renal without RED la, such an essential colour for acidosis, RBF, peritubular capillaries, hypertension all need RED.

R- renin
E- erythropoetin
D- dilation (prostaglandin)


senaiboy said...

haha how's renal exams?

hope u didn't insaf too late :P

denise said...

I banyak berinsaf, but as predicted, too lil too late...

die kidneys DIE!