Thursday, June 24, 2010

Trainee Wheels

So many things seem uncertain when you are a student tip toeing to peek into the working world. At times you want to leap forward and get to the task at hand. Other times you prefer to draw the curtains shut and enjoy a few more moments in your toasty comfort zone where friends are friendly, lunch time mean lunch time, weekends mean rest, worries end at 5pm, self declared celebrations happen every 4 weeks and you have excuse to watch animated movies with a student's discount card.

But that is how it has always been: from the potty to toilet bowl, trainee wheels to 2 wheeled bikes, primary school to secondary school, flats to heels, you always feel the cookie in your hand is the best until you finish it and discover your next favorite cookie.

Cheesy as it may sound, I have been so blessed in ways i can never deserve.

Final (hopefully) year as a medical student: I want to look back in less than a year from now and know i finished it well.

Final (hopefully) year as parent dependent parasite: I want to look forward to less than a year from now and know I will be able to take care of us.

** Oh where oh where are my nerd pants, i need them so right now...Not feeling the heat from EOS yet ler...bad bad bad...**

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