Sunday, November 16, 2008

Seremban invaded.

So she left.
Placed her on on the Plusliner this morning.

Wadehell, why sound so depressing wan. Lemme start again...

So Lishan the Johorian- kampungflower came to visit us, she arrived last friday and stayed a week until this morning. I'm trying to recall what we've accomplished in that 10 days period.

Adelin the Subangian-sweetheart also joined the party on Sunday and stayed till wednesday.

wait a minute...

10 DAYS?!?!?! HAS IT REALLY BEEN THAT LONG? wah liao but it passed by so fast!
Okay, im SURE we must have done something in that time right.

1) We exchanged some music (hohoho stole her precious "latest hits" playlist),
2) Discovered new yummy cup noodles that cost a bomb (how the expect poor medical students
to buy rm3 cut noodle la)
3) SHE MADE ME USE FACE POWDER AND BLUSHER!!! (dies of humiliation)
4) Irritate random victims on msn by pretending to be each other. (to the poor victims: we only
have 1 comp in my room, so it was both of us)
5) MAHJONG!!! (OMG cant believe lousy i became at it, but i DID win ONE game =)
6) Terrorise Jusco! (stupid carpark ticket machine, the automated voice just goes on and on and
on and on and on....
7) Eat at the "Tong Soi" place (cheap food wei)
8) The Great Sungai Pisang Adventure
This deserves a paragraph of its own. Sungai Pisang is as some of you already know the
famous waterfall by the foot of Genting that my church youth like to frequent. This was my
3rd time there, and although it was drizzling this time, it was just as beautiful as i
remembered it. Waddling through the cool stream, standing in the midst of towering trees,
taking in the deep woody scents, and plucking leeches of poor terrified kids made me realize
how much i missed being let loose in the open, the hospital and seminar rooms can be sort of
confining and at times you have that spontaneous urge to want to run out and stretch, scream
breathe, and run till your hearts content. As i was watching the delicate rays through a
thick green canopy, it seem so surreal and almost incomprehensible to me that this time
tomorrow i will be back in a four walled concrete room. Oh we found the good ol' mushrooms
too =) Spent some time at the main waterfall, basically challenging each other on who could
withstand the longest time under the pouring water, stupid Uncle Kevin, im too old to be
thrown in to the waterfall ady ok! wah liao old lady here almost broke her back =P Haha
another thing i realised about my age, watching the new youths that joined us this time,
be it the complaining whines, or faces of terror, or squeals of delight, those kids used to be us
some of you on a weekly basis, others every now and then, life if getting hectic but i feel the
tug in my heart because i miss each and everyone of you =). Alamak become super long story
pulak, anyways just like the previous 2 trips the highlight was "The Cliff of Death", hohoho
proud to announce almost everyone took a go at jumping off the cliff this time. Lishan did it
TWICE! *power to johor !rwar!* Pictures should be coming soon *ahem* i still havent got the
pictures from the 1st Sungai Pisang trip.

9) Clean my oily wira windscreen. ( Cant figure out why these past weeks the screen has been so
10) Sing-along to old-emo-uncool songs nobody else would sing with me in the car. (top pics:
11) Talk. Though i felt time was too short to say everything that was needed to be said.

Haih...i must admit, as much as i kept reminding her how irritating and annoying and lesbian she is, i really enjoyed having her here with us. A huge piece of the old life. The good old days of Taylor's and Bukit Jalil relived in 10 days, preserved the exact same way, just with a different postcode.

Don't think I've said the obvious out loud yet : "I miss my friends"


khairul said...

hey never ajak me to sungai pisang also... emo~~~~~~
wait... powdered denise with blusher?
bimbo alert! bimbo alert

denise said...

oh ya, last time u talked about going there right...

its at the foot of genting, the same way we used to go to Gomban Hospital, near the museum orang asli wan.

aiyoyoyo but i scared i lead u all trekking up the wrong path mah, later pusing pusing cannot get out have to become orang hutan

Anonymous said...

Oh No..
Oh NO U didnt!!
U juz described me as lesbian. @.@

People from here and far.
let Li Shan tell u a story.
Once upon a time, there was this girl. She was driving.

and all of a sudden, she took my hand and placed it right near her _____ *gasps*

i cant do it. Denise, y dun u fill in the blanks?

*evil grins*

woah. the bus super fast. like road runner. reached there in 2hrs. (half e time)

Ang3 said... niceee:) i wan go sungai pisang! and....the tong sui place in seremban in AWESOME yea..that's my favourite eat out place too...gosh, it's so cheap and the kuih muih there is...mouth watering..haih...

euNICE said...

aaahh! so happy to see my name in CAPITALS! haha.

I was scanning through the page when I thought I saw my name. so I stopped to look but couldn't find it and thought maybe I was too perasan. But lo and behold! EUNICE CHU - that's me. name big big somemore. hahaha!

Woman. i miss you too... dunno why these few days been thinking of Home so much - family and friends. and miss your craziness and the waterfall trip! argh.