Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sunsets vs Sunrise?

Mostly I hate the early mornings when it’s still dark and chilly and I have to get up from bed because well, for obvious reasons you can never have enough of Sleep. And there is a certain unfairness knowing somewhere out there in the dark some little punk is nice and warm in his thick blanket while you have to get your hair wet in the shower again. But these days the time I hate even more than early mornings are the late evenings. About 7 pm when the sky turns pink or purple or orange, when the apartments fade to spiked shadows, when the river cutting through the golf course turns into gold silk, when the view from my window is both spectacular and depressing.

I don’t know what I am doing here exactly. Come evening time means a day is done, 24 hours, spinning a full circle on our earth, that much time gone, that much time closer to the end. And I can’t help but feel powerless standing here watching it pass me by. You never truly realize how fast things around you are moving until you observe the changes that happen in that brief 10 minutes we call sunset. The change it scenery is so stark. Day time is beautiful. Night time is equally as enchanting. But it’s the transition between the two that is scary. You watch it move from one miracle to another entirely different miracle, but u can’t capture that, you cant hold it or ask it to slow down for you, the magic of unstoppable change. You look forward to the new night but you are afraid you will forget the day gone by.

Sunsets or Sunrise?
Everyone is entitled to favourites.

But i don't see myself being able to choose between these 2:
David Cook or David Archuleta?

NOT that I'm comparing them to sunsets or stars that would be weird. and scary. and a lil like human worshipping eh? Just that they came to mind in a pair. ok that was irrelevant. ignore.

Oh...another thing that comes in pairs:
The journey or The destination (*ahem* Rooney? =P)


Anonymous said...

i leave better comments later ya!

crz said...

david cook!!

denise said...

yes! Cook Cook Cook!

but the other David is pretty good too!

aih choices choices choices =p