Saturday, May 03, 2008

Made YOU look!

Probably should start this post by commenting on how deserted this place has become, but that would waste a whole paragraph of words nobody will read anyways.

Updates! Revivals!
Here we go!

Ok since the last post these things have happened:
1) MSK paper


2)IMU ball preparation frenzy!

That is NOT pee by the way. It's the content of the apple/water balloon/decoration thing which burst as i was tying it up. Forgot to cut my finger nails for csu again.

3)IMU ball frenzy!

4)Toilet lights went bust again for the 3rd time in my 2.5 years in this place called vista. But you know what, no biggie just gotta use those scented ikea candles for another month or 2 and its "asta la vista babee" I'm outta here! wohhoo~ (not sure how you spell that famous line though)

5) Crappy toilet was compensated by NEW TV in my room! And Season3 of Prison break is on, so you know where to find me on Monday nights ya. Gosh...that guys eyes are so "pretty"....

~pretty eyes~

6)Went to the mechanic ALL BY MYSELF (but of course Lesley was there for support). Its funny how you swear you will never be able to do certain things, like go to all male mechanic shop where everyone speaks Cantonese and present them with a problematic car which seems intent on making your life miserable, but from the experience i learned that it doenst kill to try. At first i didn't have a clue what to do, my dad usually handles these stuff while i buy a McFlurry at the nearby McD's, but because dad decided it was time for me to be independent =P and the McD's actually closed down a few months back =P i didn't really have a choice. So on the way there i played and replayed all the possible scenarios in my head. I would park my car in the shop (even that needed careful thinking, how do you know where to park in those places outside or in the shop? i mean what if they were reserving that spot for another car that actually made an appointment? nevermind ignore that), ok then i would go the the friendliest, least canto speaking looking chap and give a detailed history about how the passenger window suddenly decided to get stuck. And i did! And it worked! Though i think he didn't really need that very detailed history about a stuck window because he started working while i was still reporting. Long-very-technical-not- for-female-minds-to-fathom-story short, something about about the motor plastic breaking, just needed to be replaced. And the people there were really nice. haha the denise goes to the mechanic!

7)MSK results. Can't say i deserved it but i am thankful =)

7) CNS (Central Nervous System) coming up. Gahhhhhhhhhhhh

8) Some things are just not meant to be held on this side of eternity. But in another life, on another world? Then again, maybe not either.

Now that's an update!

All pictures stolen without permission, either from kind friend's camera, sister's handphone or google.


Jeremy Nunis said...

You got an A for MSK and you think you don't deserve it? Sheesh... Talk about A-student arrogance. Hehe.. kidding la..

I liked ur ball dress tho :) saw it on Ange's blog.

denise said...

A-student arrongance? bohoo~ i wastn trying to be arrogant! just was shocked thats all...

hehe u likey my dress? thanks jem!
take more pics of aussie ya! enjoy keeping up with the happenings there =p