Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Ultimate SS thing to do.

What is the ultimate Syiok-Sendiri thing to do?

Post up a picture of yourself and hope you look like some hot female celebrity...

What is an Ultimate-er SS thing to do?

Post up a pic of yourself and hope you look like some hot MALE celebrity...

Wow...if i really looked like Aston Kutcher i would love my self so much more! *think "The Guardian"*
Oh ya! i went with Angie and Lishan to watch "The Guardian" in IMU on wednesday!
It was great! and who said it was corny? it so wasnt corny!
And the fact that it was FOC and food was provided helped too =)

OK..Common sing with me the CG theme song

*intro guitar strumming*
Syiok Sendiri Syiok Sendiri
*finger pointing to the air dance*
Syiok Sendiri Syiok Sendiri

Go on people, that was the que! This the part where you shower me with unending praises till me head kembang and i float away on a huge cloud =)
tell me in hot!
im hot!


Anonymous said...

ahahaha, as i'm typing this right now, you're walking around eating a huge curry-puff, thats like so extra HOT man!!! bad didn't get to put up the osama guy, o0ooo, not forgetting Nick Tze...k la, go fall in love with urself...u should...hahaha


Anonymous said...

*speechless* hehehe... Denise!! you can really make yourself kembang!! must give you a credit for it!! :p

Anonymous said...

*mouth wide open*


*jealous* hey how can u look like ashton...:< way!!!

Ang3 said...

U're hot HOt hot!!

*kembang lah cik denise!!kamu ni memang sS!!Muahahaha....*

Anonymous said...

told u the movie was good.
and u chicken, u cried...


Kevin Costner was the better actor. Aston is stil juz a pretty boy actor. >.<