Thursday, February 08, 2007

Artistic Genes

It runs in the family you know, this business of being an artistic genius.

Lesley msged me, asking me if i knew any nice msg's to send to a friend. So i sent her my own Denise-written-oneofakind-limitededition-alloccasion- poem:

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
You are so sweet,
Almost as sweet as Denise the magnificent.

(the ending part doesnt REALLY rhyme, but i thot sweeT and magnificenT both got T so can use together)

~written by Suyin (me)~
~dedicated to all who would not kick me after reading this~

I guess for some reason she didnt use my poem, and instead, half an hour later sent me this:

Friends for life,
They never stray,
Brightening our day,
Wiping all the frustration away,
Even when we fall,
Or sometimes feel so small,
They bubble lil smiles in our skies,
With their silent lullabies,
Bringing us back once more,
To our fairtale world before,
Where princes & princess flew at night,
In the sky where clouds are fleecy white,
Where baby fairies covered with lace,
Munching honey cookies till very late, <---------------- I especially like this part!
And when all has dimmed... before the day starts again,
Together they watch,
The sunrise in the golden lane...
Oh how precious those memories were to me,
My friend for now & forever will be...

~written by Suwen (my sis)~
~dedicated specially to her close friend Siew Ying~

Seriously almost as good as my poem leh *salute* =p


Anonymous said...

i have to agree, the poem is nicely written,

but if artistic talents aren't inhereditary... i know what is..


don't you agree jen lye??

misz ade said...

hey the poem is sooooo sweet.the 2nd one i mean,i've learnt to write the 1st since i was like 7..muahaha

Jens said...

agreed! the jiwang ness is filling the air.. esp...
during the hols...=P ahaha..