Tuesday, October 17, 2006



What are dreams?

Are they actually supposed to mean anything?

What are they supposed to tell you about yourself or about your environment?

Are they really that magical place between conscious and unconsciousness visited by fairies and shooting stars?

Are they where your deepest desires or greatest fears are expressed?

Or could they be a mental phenomenon occurring during REM sleep in which images, emotions, and thoughts are experienced with a sense of reality? (From Baby-Dorland’s medical dictionary)

Or are they just a load of crap?

In a long time, I hadn't had a real dream where I could actually remember the sequence and events. (maybe cos when i crash, i really crash like a log, or a pig if you just need to insult me further =p)

But this weekend was a major dream-quota overload. By that I mean I had 2 rather lengthy and draining dreams.

Although they were very different in nature, involving 2 very different people, they both had the identical effect on me: A deep tugging pain in my heart.

The first is one of my greatest fears, I might have to face it one day, but I know I will never be ready for it.
The second is one of the things I still wish for every night before I sleep but will never let myself have.

Maybe should just sleep less.


P's said...

you're one hell of an emo grl..u're rite..all grls get emo...lol....

and it surprises me to note tat in ur cute and happy self lies a mystery...

lol..suddenly i feel so drama....

Jens said...

was a touching post on that father thingy who landed in hospital... well.. just wondering what made u want to make that post... seriously was touching rite to the heart...

ahaha... my blog's latest entry was dreams.. and when i saw urs as well.. same thing... ahaha.. so coincidence.. anyway, hope things will go ur way soon lar... great friends around u for support...

Ang3 said...

hey drama Queen....u got so much time to dream ar!Muz be sleeping a lot lately..haha!
But i'm super curious to know the dreams you had...mind to share in your next blog??Juz being kepo..