Monday, October 09, 2006

My HERO-(ine)

So i was like eating, like in my room the other day. And when i like scoup a mouth full of my like maggie-perisa-sup kambing- with egg, guess what like happened? Like the electric went off! PITCH BLACK! I like couldnt see anything! And I didnt have a like a torchlight/candle/glowstick. And and and nobody was like at home with me. I was alone. And I like thought 'This is the end, I am like so going to die. It's so sad that I have to die like 2days before my summative1 exam''

(hehe...interesting writing style right? btw what do you call a male bimbo?........ a MIMBO??) anyways the power on my whole floor went out on saturday, 2 days before the summative. And the very stressed out Denise had to finish her dinner on the belcony using the washing machine as a table, romantically lit the bukit jalil evening haze.I am the biggest bimbo when it comes to electrical stuff ( makes me wonder where all my dad's engineering genes went.) so i called ms.Low, who told me to check the electric box thingy, which i did, but still didnt know how to fix it.

Next step? Seek profesional help. The VistaB superguards! The ever ready, and strong and muscular and and and and.....they didnt have the key to open the electric bow thingy. *Awww*
But thank you to them anyways for coming all the way with me to see what they could do. You are still a hero in my eyes uncle guard! no progress so far. Desperate times call for desperate measures. SUMMON THE..............

The beautiful, the graceful, the magnificent, who laughs in the face of danger, who thriumph over all evil. THE one. THE only. THE superwoman-Angelene-Teo-Fungus!!!!!
*que powerpuff girls theme song*

Yes.... ms.Angie's took pity on our poor victim, and took her under her wings. Inviting her over the kingdom with clean floors, clean sofa, clean toilets, clean bed sheets, tv and internet!!!!!!!!

Ance again the day was saved. Thanks to Superwoman-Angelene.

*que powerpuff girl closing song*

Translation: I studied and stayed over at Angie's place (thanks dear! your my hero!). Electric still wasnt here by sunday, went back subang. And today is monday. Just sat for summative1.

#dedicated to the painfully painfull times I had to endure powerpuff girls movies when Rachel was still in her ''stage''#

1 comment:

senaiboy said...

you call a male bimbo a 'HIMBO'. lol.