Tuesday, September 12, 2006

It Just Dont Feel Right...

It just dont feel right lar.....
Not used to it lar....

How to blog in IMU's computer lab?? So uncomfortable sitting here, typing whats supposed to be my innermost thoughts while busybodies like lishan and hmmm....i dont know whats her name on my right... stretch their long necks.

Yup, you would have guessed it by now.
Between the last post and this, Miss Suyin has started semester2 of her medical education.
AND that means.... A few things have happened between the last post and this, but she was too pig to write it down.
Amongst these were:

1. Getting over post-camp depression after returning from Sarawak.
2. Joining M206's orientation a few days after it actually started.
3. Ending M206's orientation with a BANG.
4. Seeing someone get hurt.
5.Understanding the meaning of being paralysed.
6. Throwing a surprise going-away party for darling Eunice Chu. (must tell you all about this man, scandalous!)
7. Looking through pathoLOGY, microbioLOGY,parasitoLOGY,pharmacoLOGY, and immunoLOGY books, little head voices me it's going to be a ''wonderfull'' semester.
8. Going for pathoLOGY, and microbioLOGY introduction lecture, not-so little voices shouting in my head ''what a glorious semester to look foward to''
9. Being thrown into the swimming pool by a bunch of ''loving,respectfull,gratefull'' juniors. (didnt know you guys loved us THAT much! =P)
10. Finally buying a mirror for my room.

Things i didnt do between the last post and this:
1. Blog about the stuff on the list above.
2. Knock in a decent nail for my mirror.
3. Eat a single meal in the cafeteria. It's always gone by the time we finish class *cry cry*
3. Make Eunice cry during the going-away party (nevermind, still got this sunday, still got HOPE!)
4. Finish my elective report.
5. Read up on the WHOLE pbl topic so we can have a ''discussion'' this thursday.

YAY! i blogged!

ps: am still scared. hope today will be a nice, friendly day.

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