Saturday, October 03, 2009

Spinning round and round, going upside down

We heard so many jets taking off from the Subang Airport this morning.
I liked to imagine it was air crafts flying teams and supplies to our neighbours.
But Dad said it was for some International Jet Exhibition.

After watching the reports and pictures, my body itched to be there.
But then logic doubt comes a knockin as it always does, you are of a certain gender, a certain built, a certain intellectual capability, a certain financial status.
Oh if my electives could be brought forward i would have the perfect excuse!

World is struck by calamity. World calls for international unity. World sends help. Help is covered by media. World is gung-ho and talk about future preventive and precautionary measures. Media turns attention to newer stories. World turns too. Help leaves unfinished business, unreached areas. World continues to leave the shower on while soaping, driving to get grocery across the street, produce more food that it can consume and then produce diet pills. World completes another walk around Sun. And that is just how we spin babe.

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