Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Magic word: Hysterectomy

Nauseous and in pain.
This is NO FAIR!

I need a warm sweet drink, an innocent creature to abuse and the luxury of curling into a ball and dying.


Anonymous said...

Hysterectomy is trading one set of problems for an even longer, more life-altering list of problems. If you are experiencing symptoms, I recommend getting the cause diagnosed and the problem solved. There is never an age or a time in your life when you do not need your female organs. Among the most basic functions of the uterus are providing support to the bladder and bowel, the production of prostacyclin which provides cardiovascular protection (women who undergo hysterectomy with preservation of the ovaries have a 3X greater incidence of heart attack, if the ovaries are removed it's a 7.2X greater incidence), and your vagina is shortened. I hope this information is helpful. For more information on hysterectomy, visit hersfoundationDOTorg. I wish I had read their book THE H WORD before my surgery........

crz said...

the advise above is so full of win (:

denise said...

anonymous: haha thanks that was very informative =) and rest assured i dont plan for any operations on myself.

Chris: what is full of win????

Anonymous said...

hysterectomy then no more kids already! how to get married then?

G-Wong said...

i feel you...

denise said...

Anonymous: hmm good point. make the husband carry lor.

Gwong: O.N.E. M.O.R.E. D.A.Y