Ladies and gentlemen,
Boys and girls of all ages,
I present to you the 8th wonder of the world:
The World's Smallest Room!
cue: *oOOOooh Aaaaah*
The storage space that has no boundaries. Ppl can see my baju wei!
Famous pink hall!
Please don't kill me Ade! no place for the bed ady, i had no choice!
One by the bedside, one in the bathroom.
Am proud to announce i have not been late for any class to date!
My 2nd favourate piece of furniture!
No time for the captions ler!
Next time k!
My room so nice!
My room so nice!
My room so nice!
your room, small, tidy, clean, LOTSA stuffs and VERY organised. I think you must have took the whole day to clean it up before you took those photo, lol. And your living room too, where is the kaya and bread?
wah.....:<....miss ya loads den!
eh i think ur room very nice woh!!!!
love some of the cute stuff inside. and it looks very cozy~~ :D
and it's so neat and organized! sure not like what mike said, u clean/tidy it up only take pics? haha :P
can i stay with u??
ur room is SOOOOO NICEEEEeeee..
small but with LOADS of pwetty stuff..awww!
Well Done gurlie..
and ALL UR FURNITURE so KiuT one..i like the small car hanger(where u hang ur labcoat)..CUTE-nyer!
i wanna move in with u dy....:)
p/s: that small basket got LOADS of branded stuff la..i think so:P
mike: wei wei wei i only took 10minutes to sweep all the rubbish under the bed ok, dont exaggerate =p
pei: booooooo =( miss you guys so much too! aiya that day when you and gwong came down, didnt get to go for a proper outing lar... WASTED! soon k! dont leave m'sia yet pei!
ZZZiyun: hehe thanks! errr hmmm how to say this without lying through my nose ah, haha. its not always THAT tidy lar, wat mike said was HALF true =p but im working at keeping it as clean as possible! gambatte to me!
Angie: mari mari mari! glad u like my crib too dear! thot you would like the pink hall =p its open 24/7 for you! haha i used Yuen Teng's present as part of my deco leh (memang tak tau malu). hehe the litle car hanger so cute hor, got boat and aeroplane also but i didnt buy the set...
oh ya people!
aku ada
Braun Buffel-since 1887-Germany
wallet wei!
*show off show off*
thanks guys =))
im officially a branded stuff chick!
eh? isnt this is little PIGsty that i stayed when i went over? haha. yar, its pretty nice.
but really lar Mike, when i was there. it was really quite tidy. unlike her old room, WOOH~!
anyw, i love best the pictures galore, 2nd Flower attached to Mirror, Last, alas.. the lamp..
good job.
psst~! Pic No. 15 is juz too hilarious. lol
might as well add tad i DISLIKE ur Grand Royal Throne. Had to constantly Taaahan to bomb upstairs.
if only it was working, i would hav prefered urs (no offence Ianz ;x)
dun like the idea of butterflies watching me... 'purge' lol
i WILL B BACK. Hehe.
your room looks soooo cosy. me wanna be a guest there can? :P
and I remember that favourite piece of furniture stuck on the mirror! so pretty :D
Shan: wahliao my old room was clean too ok! dark parquet floor rocks man, dont have to sweep cos cant see the dirt =p ignorance is bliss hehehe.
About picture no.15 i had a similar one with your "star toy" but dont know where the pic went hehehe... when u come back i will buy miniature butterflies and lipas and stick em around my toilet to keep u company!
Eunice: Eunice come to my house? OF COURSE CAN LAR! hohoho toilet fix ady so no worries in that department haha.
yes yes yes the class tube was from pyramid that day! super chunted buy, albeit a lil expensive lar, but i love it! have u started using you're picture hangers? or is it back home?
eh, your room isn't as bad as how i heard it was la... it's nice... very nice actually...
but mine gonna be nicer than yours... neh neh neh neh neh... haha...
the lamp looks very ikea...
and like xan, you have two BIG water bottles... what's with Seremban people and water bottles?
love the cute car clothes hanging-thingy the most...
haha it aint that bad lar, just small, but even that is a perk cos sweeping the floor just involves me turning around in one spot with the broom *tadaa* clean!
aihhh how to compete lar, "Someone" ordering FLAT SCREEN TV for their room wei! make sure we see lotsa pics of the new house k!
hehehe u noticed that too, i guess we are just too lazy to boil water here lar =p
i brought those picture hangers here. but keeps dropping from the damn mirror. hahaha! but one is up at Jerry's for notes purpose ;) one is somemore between my clothes coz it keeps dropping!! grrr...
hahaha...your room nice la....if u dun feel like sleeping next to the toilet just sleep upside down lor..hehe
oooo..someone's got braun buffel!!!!haha
anyway,waitla i come bunk in again..hahaha
hi Denise, your room is so nice. it is better than my room in HK. i am the one you drive me to Tapah at Dec 26. really thanks for your help.
Antonia(or call me Kan Kan)
Antonia: haha HI!!! how did you find my blog? was so happy to receive a note from you =) thanks... this is the room i'm renting while i study in seremban.
so i guess you guys are back in HK already? i hope you enjoyed the camp! and Tapah! and Malaysia! and our FOOD!
haha no problem about the drive, it was my pleasure. hope you come visit malaysia again soon alright! say hi to the others for me!
oh i taught my sisters how to play the "spicy sushi" game =p
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