Saturday, October 06, 2007

Of bad luck & superheroes.

Mark it on your calanders, October the 5th and 6th are taboo dates!
Dont get that hair cut, dont cross the road, dont try a new dish, better yet dont even leave your house.

Why you ask?

I dont actually believe in bad luck but the events of the 2 days are just too funny to not be paranoid about. Let me tell you a true story....

Once upon a time, in the far away kingdom of IMU Bukit Jalil a young Denise slept through both her evening lectures despite the title of the lectures being "Human Sexuality" and "Reproductive Hormones", wasting 2 hours of her precious life. Amidst the doodling and attempts to pinch herself awake, she received an sms from Li Shan reading:
"Stop oggling at hot guys... I wanna eat french fries" (notice how it rhymes? and she only said that cos that is what SHE does in class, i dont "oggle")

1. But as Li Shan was stampeding like themost graceful of elephants out of IMU, the sole of her shoes partially tore off, giving it the most untastefull flapping-mouth look. *flap flap flippidy flap* That was how she had to walk around for the rest of the day #bad-luck-strikes-1#

Ok..nevermind, it sounds quite normal what to spoil your shoe right?... Nothing too weird about it so far...

After makan, we decide to go midvalley to find a pair new and hopefuly indistructable shoes. (#bad-luck-for Hazwan# ) And sidetracking, I'm starting to realise that 'shoes' have been playing a pretty big role in my life these past few days, wonder if its a sign?

It took guts of steel to even dare think of driving to midvalley because although i knew how to GET THERE, i had no idea how to GET BACK. The last time we drove there, we went all the way to subang jaya just to take the super expensive Kesas highway back to bukit jalil. But nevermind, with these 3 people the motto is "Chill 1st la, later oni crack head and die" OR "Denise stop your whinning and worrying, we are happening people who dont care if we end up standed in the middle of nowhere with no petrol to fill our car with."

2/3. I couldnt reach the ticket machine from the window of my car #bad-luck-strikes-2# After rounding the car park the zillionth time, my super lazer eyes spot a car coming out of it's lot, my super fast reflex was to turn right into the lane.... BUT OUT OF NO WHERE THIS VAN COMES INTO A ONE WAY LANE AND ZOOMS INTO MY LOT! My jaw literally fell and i almost died of shock, i think i spotted the people in the other cars laughing at our reaction leh... #bad-luck-strikes-3#

4. Our mission was to find a pair of shoes. We found ONE, but it was the last pair and the once white shoe might as well just be a member from The Simsons. Then we found ANOTHER, one she REALLY really liked, but (there always has to be a but) all their shoes even the new ones from the box were wrinkled with lines. #bad-luck-strikes-4#

5. OkaAaay... So we didnt get the shoes, and one shop even shoOoed us away from it's entrance because it was closing time, but i could not give up! We couldnt have driven all the wat there and stress through the parking system to go home with nothing. We had to watch a movie! Yes yes a movie would certainly make the trip more worthwhile. In one sentence: The only decent show left to watch was "Chuck & Larry", we lined up, only the front 2 rows were left, we were told to come back later when the Reserved seats would be given out. #bad-luck-strike-5#

6. To pass the time before we started lining up again for the reserved seats, we played photohunt. To make a painfull story short: We lost 3 games JUST BECAUSE WE COULDNT PRESS THE CLUE BUTTON ON TIME. Not that we couldnt find the answers you know, we still had 3 clues left and we wanted to use the clues. But they were in the form of a magnifying glass, so we press the round glass part of it mah, mana tahu you are supposed to press on the tiny HANDLE to make it work! And the vicious cycle actually repeated itself THREE TIMES. #bad-luck-strike-6#

7. By the time we finish photohunt, we realise the que for the movie was way too long. #bad-luck-strikes-7#

8. Lets just go back to Bukit Jalil where it is safe and free of bad luck. With trusty instructions from Chris, Kee, and some bits and pieces i remembered from Angelene, we made our journey.
Follow Old Klang road to leave Midvalley (pats self on back) --> turns our prematuredly to Jalan Kuchai Lama when we were supposed to go straight (kicks self on the butt) --> ends up at food court --> luckily Superhero-SHAN got lost there before (wow an actual benefit from getting lost) and was able to lead us out --> mamak (to whine and complain about our lack of luck that night) #bad-luck-strikes-8#

9. Arriving at the mamak we discover the huge tv screen was not there #bad-luck-strike-9#

10/11. After parking the car at Vista, Li Shan couldnt find her phone in my car. #bad-luck-strikes10#. I call her phone so we can follow the ringing sound, her phone is out of battery #bad-luck strikes-11#. The incredible search of the maroon wira begins! Lukily Superhero-HAZ finds it at the side door of the passangers seat.

We go to our respective apartments deciding that after such a stressfull night we were going to wash up and settle for a nice DVD.

12. There is the awfUl sMelL of VoMit as i pass the corridor leading to my apartment. #bad-luck-strikes-12#

13. While getting ready to bathe Hazwan calls "Err... Lishan cant find her house keys, we are coming up to get your car keys now ya" #bad-luck-stikes-13#. Walk paSs vOmIt sMeLL again to go car, search of the maroon wira round2. The keys were nowhere to be found. Lukily Superhero-SUYIN said " Li Shan, didnt you come to my place this morning to check PBL?"
To which a nervously chuckling Li Shan replied " *gasp* ya! and I... I used my keys to open your front door!"
PaSs VoMiT sMelL yet again to check at my apartment. Yes the keys were found.

All these events took place in the short span of time between 7pm 5th October to early-in-the-morning 6th October 2007.
And this evening (6th October) as we waited for a lift, the lift that arrived had no working lights.

Now you tell me, am I being paranoid? =P

*boo* hehehe...

1 comment:

Jens said...

oh u noe that van that zoomed into ur parking lot? ahaha... i remembered mine very well last year when some lady in her 4 wheel drive came and took the parking lot rite in front of me... that time was my cousin's bday so my sis was in the car as well..

the thing is that the girls got off, pretended i wasn't there and just walked away... i just 'open my mouth in disbelief' and just went to find another parking which was 3 rows away...

and then *jeng jeng jeng* i told my sis to wait, i went over to that 4 wheel drive and took my car keys and scratched her car... and it was an awful pretty scratch just to get back at them... and it all happened in the curve where there are cctv everywhere...=P oooppsss!!! then i went off to makan TGIF for lunch and then baskin robbins... which later i ended up in the hospital the very same day coz of food poisoning diarrhoea... ahaha... it was so co-incident la... like those girls came back to their car and realise that got scratched, cursed the hell out of me....

my sis asked what i did, i said i just kicked the car's tyres and walked off... ahaha... *just remembered that my sis was with me*oooppsss....

which i guessed it worked... bad luck which got me landed in hospital for 4 nites eating plain porridge and tasteless chicken soup...