Wednesday, March 07, 2007

When i should be studying...

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
To taste the sweetness of the warm sun against my face

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
To sample the stillness of the moon

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
To remind myself how to laugh from the depths of my soul

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
To savor the satisfaction of quite solitude, letting the mind explore whatever it wants to explore, and not think about what ‘They’ say I should think about

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
To give myself time to mourn for things that should have been mourned for a long time ago

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
To give myself time to celebrate the things that should have been celebrated a long time ago

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
To take a good, deep, long breath

Breaking away from the world just for awhile,
Just to dive right back in.

Don’t we all want to escape? Even for the littlest millisecond? =p


Anonymous said...

the world is so beautiful,and there r so many ppl who care for u,so pls dont escape... is there sth troubling u?sometimes facing the problem isnt a bad thing:)

crz said...

anonymous.. i tink u dun understand de meaning of de poem ler.. haha =P

Anonymous said...

mayb la,i dont hav english sense :P

Anonymous said...

wow...nice poem...!!