Saturday, February 24, 2007

Why i wana let other ppl laugh at my weird traits ah?

*shrug* i oso dunno why im doing this and risking social suicide. Haha but here goes! =p

"Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them each a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog."

1. I love potatoes. Cooked in ANY WAY: boiled (potatoe sup), baked (jacket potatoe), fried ( french fries, hashbrowns), mashed potatoes, potatoe salad, bbq-ed potatoe, potatoe chips, and if they ever decide to invent such a thing as POTATOE ICE CREAM i would probably be their 1st fan.

**Oh btw, since we are already on the potatoe topic, even tho this is totaly unrelated to the tag, this cny, i discovered the joys of a chinese tidbit. Aiyak..forgot the chinese name for it, but in english the plant is called arrow head (i think). Its glorious, they cut the potatoe-like-vege into ultra thin slices and deep fry it to golden perfection. *crack* Mmmmm.... where have you been all my life? I cant believe it, all this time, i never knew about it! If anybody's house got leftover arrow head chips tell me k? i make special guest star appereance at ur home.**

2. I enjoy wrapping books. When we were still in school, i wrap all my sister's books, till once when i had no more books to wrap, i was tempted to offer them money to let me wrap their books. There is just something so satisfying about tugging and pulling at the wrapper till it sticks like second skin to the book cover, and hold the silky smooth finished product in your arms.

3. I've yet to see another girl's room as messier than mine. Seriously, if you've ever got a chance to see my room and it was 'decent looking', dont for one minute be fooled and think that it was the normal state of my room. It's either i knew somebody was coming to visit and i cleaned it up (read: pushed and chucked everything into any space that would allow) OR Lesley came over and did her complusory " Denise! How can u breath in this place? *starts to clean* *clean* *clean*" routine.

4. I cant side park a car *endless sob*

5. I read the ending of the books before i buy them. Super spoiler i know, but i just gota see if it is drama enough for me to spend that much time reading the other 894752309485029pages in front.

6. I like getting tagged on other ppl's blogs. Cos it saves my blog from extinction.

AND i would like to tag.. *cheng cheng* this is the fun part =p

1.Lesley AND Rachel ------> even tho i know ALL your weird traits redy, now i want the WORLD to know how weird my sisters really are. muahahahahahaaha * lightning flash*

2,3,4,5 & 6. Thats all wor, dont need to know other ppl's weird traits cos i'm only cruel to my sisters.And also they are the only ones i can blackmail mah =p

ps: special thanks to Angelene for letting me in on the big tip: that the laundry aunty at VistaB club house sells my precious arrow head for cny! i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you i do!


Anonymous said...

huh wat is the Arrow Head??

Anonymous said...

arrow head....i think i know what is mum got make...wahahahha

how's ur mashed potato?? can eat or not? haha :D

Anonymous said...

haha... its not arrow head la... its arrowroot...

i read somewhere that its supposedly auspicious for CNY cos' it resembles the male u know what la... although I don't see how...