Thursday, February 01, 2007

See a need, meet a need.

What do you do when you read articles or see pictures of people in need? take a few minutes to sigh? a few minutes to feel sorry for them? a few minutes to hope things will change and life will treat them better in the near future?

And then you turn the page to read about the next headline?

I have been guilty of this a countless of times.
Always thinking that as a money-less, experience-less, mature-less, young GIRL, whatever help i could ever offer would be rather meaningless and that there are others out there who could do a much better job than me. But if every young person out there were to think like that, noting great would ever have been acomplished.

That is why i loved the slogan "See a need, meet a need" that the folks in DUMC use. When you see a need, do everything within your power to meet it. It doesnt matter if you dont THINK you are capable enough, if you dont THINK you are qualified enough. If God has called us to do His work for His people,and we make ourselves available to Him, who are we to doubt that he will not give us everything we need to do the work well?

So dont just turn pages anymore k?
Do something : go, or pray =)

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