Sunday, December 10, 2006


This typical weekend back home in subang included:

1. Dad's beef stew ~ heavenly!

2. Mom's super-sweet-sure cause-diabetes-tea~ Mmm..sedap!

3. free dvds~ Da Vinci Code, Heart ( some melayu movie Rachel insisted was nice, but the lead actor not cute oso =P)

4. sleeping late on saturday nite~ typical

5. waking up late for church the next morning~ VERY typical *shy*

6. Christmas caroling~ even tho we still bear some resemblace to old McDonald's farm animals, its the working as a people in unity that i love the most. yay! i just LOVE christmas =)))

7. Pasar malam~ honestly, its been an entire year since i've been on a pasar malam trip with my family. The taiwanese sausage, the junk food, the cheap shorts, the cute stickers, the bubble tea, the buy3 free1 dvds! but sadly, it rained...and we didnt get to go afterall =(

8. Carrefour/subang parade~ did i ever mention subang parade was my favourite shopping complex? well it is! =)

9. Silly sisters + too much time + innocent camera = silly home videos

10. Headache~ from laughing too loud. Im serious. It hurts.

This typical weekend back home in subang DID NOT include:

1. Studying for CVS~ can you hear my heart thumping?!
well, you dont, cause it stopped beating the minute i took out the calender to check when was the next end of system exams.

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