Sunday, December 03, 2006

Light Blue.

I’m feeling….


Not blue, cos that would mean I was down and depressed. But light blue, light blue is another story.

Let me tell you a story…

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far far away, there lived a little fairy girl. Now she was like all the other little fairy girls she knew in the enchanted garden where they sang with the nodding blue bells, danced on lilies, swam in dew drops, used ivy vines as swings, drank sweet flower tea from buttercups, and had secret fairy meetings beneath the shade of the beautiful rose bush.

The only thing different about our little fairy girl was that she was invisible.

As hard as she tried to sing, dance, play and eat with the others, they could not see her. But Desiree was fine with this, because she could still have as much fun even if the others didn’t know she was there. Just being in their merry company was enough to bubble-up her little fairy heart with happiness.

So she spent her happy years watching the other folks around her. All the while feeling complete contentment with the joys of it all.

But as fate would have had it, a fairy prince flew by their happy garden. And as usual, our little fairy was curious. After months of watching him from afar, she realized how much she had learnt from him. And she fell in love with how differently he saw the world.

The little fairy was torn. She had never been discontented with her life before. But now, now she wanted to be seen. She wanted him to see her and know that he never had to be alone again.

She flew high up into the morning sky, as high as her fairy wings could take her. And sitting on a sunbeam, she wept. And from every invisible tear that fell from her eyes and touched the garden soil, out sprang new life.

The little fairy sat on her sunbeam, until she had filled the whole garden with so much life, magic and wonder. But as she poured out her tears, she slowly lost herself.

Until all that was left of our little fairy was a cloud, in the vague shape of a winged girl. And on clear sunny days, when the prince looked up ever so carefully, he would see this faithful little cloud floating above the garden.

Thats why i'm feeling LIGHT BLUE, wana help the little fairy be seen!

*haha..this post wasnt supposed to make sense*


Ang3 said...

I love this post!!Romantic nyer~

Anonymous said...

haha romantic....
very romantic....

crz said...

u tell reli good fairytales.. seriously.. n yea.. its very romantic.. but kinda sad.. a lil like de tong hua videoclip..