Thursday, October 26, 2006

Top 12 prescriptions for Whensomebodypissesyouoff-alitis

1.Fairy dust
2.The music played before Disney movies or lighthearted-touching-comedies.
3.The music played after Disney movies or lighthearted-touching-comedies.
7.Kids in their kindergarten uniforms
8.Jungle trekking
9.Late night mamaks
11.Writing nonsense.
12.Warm pancakes.
(and don’t try to go easy on the butter or honey, your upset, eat as much as you want dammit!)

(adapted with permission from ‘’Alternative Healing for WSP-YO’’ by Dr. Suyin)


Top 8 prescriptions for Sometimeslovesongssuck-disorder

1.Sing them as off key as you can manage.
2.Make fun and change the lyrics.
3.Tell your totally uninterested friend or family member how ridiculous the lyrics are.
( I mean come on, if It’s Only Words that he has to offer her, not in a million years will he take her heart away right?right? take away her eardrums maybe.)
4. Write your own sad, dark song about lizards and monkey brain.
5. Sing the classifications of neoplasms to the tune of the song you hate.
6. Use some weird computer programme your ulu kampung johor friend taught you to fast forward
(chipmunk style) or slow it down (Arnold Swatch-se-nigga style).
7. Turn off the radio/laptop/ipod/TV/MP3.
8.Go live in a cave.

(adapted with permission from “Dignity in Dealing with SLS” by Prof. Suyin)

**SAY NO/tidak/tak nak/pu yao/em ngoi/ be sai TO PLAGIRISM!**


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